Category Archives: Weekly Photo Challenge

Ponte Vedra Palm Tree

This week our challenge was to come up with a shot showing the rule of 3rds.  This HDR image was taken this afternoon off the back of our house in Ponte Vedra.  It was forcast to rain all day…turned out to be a pretty awesome day.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Light

This week the Weekly Photo Challenge subject on Flickr is “Light”.  This image shows the western sunlight that shines through my office window late each afternoon.  Hope you like it.

Three images were used to make this photo.  Here is how it was done:

ISO 800
52 mm
1/1000, 1/500, 1/1000

Processed using SNS HDR

Week 5 of 52 Week Challenge

This was my favorite picture of the week.  I went off subject this week and feel a little guilty, but this is for Ben who turned 5 years old on Wednesday.  Happy Birthday big man!

Check out what the rest of the Group is doing on Flickr 

Weekly Photo Challenge Week 51: Stillness

On the next to last week of 2011, our subject in the weekly photo challenge is Stillness.  My idea was to focus on the tripod, something I have with me all the time and use on a regular basis.  In this shot my shutter speed was 1/10th of a second, an ideal shot to take using a tripod, but it was my subject…so I held my breath, released my breath…not sure which one was better but I think I prefer taking shots after I let my breath out.  Anyway, here is my photo of my trusty tripod:

ISO 400
170 mm
1/10 second

Weekly Photo Challenge Week 50 Pink

Week 50 is here and the subject for the Shutterboo Weekly Photo Challenge is Pink.  This one took till the very last minute, but I’m happy with the way it turned out.  Thanks to Swoozie’s and The Fresh Market for the candy props.

ISO 800
1/60 second

Weekly Photo Challenge Week 49 Fantasy

The Elf on the Shelf is a tremendous power in our house. The kids run around every morning trying to find him hidden around the house. During the day they leave him chocolate only to find empty wrappers when they return from school. They tell him about their days and what they want from Santa, and totally trust that each night he delivers their message to the North Pole.

ISO 800
1/6 second

Weekly Photo Challenge Week 44: Half

Halfway through blowing the leaves I had to stop and take this picture:

Nikon D90
Nikon 50mm f/1.8
1/2500 sec at f/1.8
ISO 280


Weekly Photo Challenge Week 43 Blue

This week the subject of the Shutterboo Weekly Photo Challenge is “Blue“.  Back during week 18 I was lucky enough to use Ben and all of his curly red hair for the subject “Red”.  This week it was Henry’s turn.  When he was a baby the ladies at daycare called him ” the boy that never blinks” because he has huge blue eyes and like they said, he rarely blinks.  We sat on the back porch this evening as the sun was setting and I got some shots of him with my 50mm 1.8.  I cropped out most of his face to emphasize his eyes.

Up until this point I have been shooting primarily in P (Program) or A (Aperture) modes…  Today I graduated to M (Manual) mode and it all clicked.  All of a sudden it just made sense.  This week I also started shooting mainly RAW shots and using Adobe Lightroom 3 for post processing.  Lots to learn and so much fun.  Hope you like it.